- Brüel & Kjær’s 2010 White Paper Legislation, Regulation and Best Practice in Airport Noise Management B&K 2010
- The FAA’s Findings of No Significant Impact For the Northern California Optimization of the Airspace and Procedures in the Metroplex (NorCal OAPM) NorCal_OAPM_FONSI-ROD
- The Ad Hoc Committee for Noise Abatement in the South Bay group’s appeal of the FAA’s Findings of No Significant Environmental Impact Ad Hoc Committee’s Lawsuit
- The agreement Congresswoman Eshoo made in 2000 with the FAA in which SFO approach traffic would cross our area no lower than 5000 feet. They are now crossing at approximately 4000 feet, 2000 Eshoo/FAA/UPROAR agreement
- An interesting study looking at alternatives to the Day/Night Average sound level as a metric for noise exposure: Updating the Day Night Average Sound Level (DNL)
- SFO Noise Office 2016 October Directors Report. Palo Alto complaints vastly exceed all other cities.